I've been meaning to post this blog for several days. Ladies and Gentleman I present the sales from my first month as a published author. I have a confession, I actually have two titles available. The other one is entitled Drift. Drift is two short stories I put together and put up as an experiment. I wanted to see how the sales of Offerings would affect it. Both are available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords. Drift is also available on Diesel thanks to Smashword. I'm still waiting for Offerings to be included in Smashwords premium channel which will allow it to be shipped to iTunes, Kobo, Diesel, Sony, and hopefully soon be made into an app. Below I have broken down the sales by title and site.
On Smashwords I sold all of three books. Two copies of Offerings and one of Drift.
On Barnes and Noble I sold a whopping four books. Three of Offerings and one of Drift.
On Amazon I sold twenty nine books. Twenty three copies of Offerings and six of Drift.
All totaled we sold thirty six books. Twenty eight copies of Offerings and eight copies of Drift.
Along the way we've garnered six reviews. One four star review on Smashwords and five on Amazon. The ones on Amazon break down to three 5 stars, one 4 star, and one 1 star. That one hurt my feelings, but oh well. Maybe they'll like the next one better. The highest rating we got to was 12,399. That's not to shabby for a novella by a brand new author. So far in June sales have been disappointing. As in none. Oh well, hopefully they'll pick up soon. I've sent it to several book reviewers and I'm waiting to hear back from them. Also, one nice young english teacher asked if she could use it with her freshman English class next year. I of course said yes.
So, what are my next plans? I have a new story that I'm about 4,000 words into and a piece of flash fiction that needs some editing. I'm considering releasing it as a freebie as a sample to see if i can lure new readers in. Who is interested in a free story? I'd like to put them all together later this year as a compilation both as an eBook and in print. I know several people have asked when and where they can get Offerings in print. I looked into it, but to not lose money on it I would have to price it at 7.99 or up and I can't justify charging that for a novella.
I have an idea and a partial outline for a novel that's sitting on the back burner for now. After I've finished the short stories that are floating around in my head I intend to work hard on it. I've got a few thousand words down already and I'm ready to get back to it.
That's all for now. Thank you to everyone who has bought the book. I also really appreciate everyone who has reviewed it. If any of my nook readers want to review it on B and N I would greatly appreciate it. Some reviews on Goodreads would go along way as well. A huge thanks goes to Hannah, my beautiful fiance. Your support, ideasm and ability to tell me when things have gotten off track mean the world to me. In fifteen days I get to call her my wife.
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